
In 2013 Natalie Birnham met and interviewed a Rohingya survivor, named Jamal, in an above-shop office of a local CBO in Kuala Lumpur. He recounted...
Myanmar sentences 153 Chinese illegal loggers to life imprisonment Embassy in Yangon says it has launched representations over 'too heavy' sentences...
Thousands of people, both Muslim Rohingyas fleeing persecution in Myanmar and Bangladeshis seeking jobs in Malaysia, have been abandoned at sea......
Evolution of a mafia state in Myanmar Despite being in power for over half a century, Myanmar's military, both its despotic leadership and......
It was a textbook example of an effective propaganda campaign - "manufacturing a reformist" out of Mr NOTHING. First, Myanmar President Thein Sein...
Is Myanmar Tatmadaw (or feudal army) re-embracing its Fascist origin? Burma's army was the sole creation of Southeast Asia unit of Japan's Naval......
For those outside Burma, the broadcast images of the Theravada monks of the “Saffron Revolution” of 2007 are still fresh. Backed by the devout......
Reclaiming Activism Chapter 3 Burma’s Struggle for Democracy: A critical appraisal Introduction This chapter draws upon the author’s direct political...
Abstract: Since 1978, the Rohingya, a Muslim minority of Western Burma, have been subject to a state-sponsored process of destruction. The Rohingya...
